mr p

mr pmr p
  1. Mr P ö tsch 's earlier behaviour is not really the difficulty .


  2. Even if they prevail , however , Mr P é rez 's bill will have done some good .


  3. Mr P é rez thinks the threats are overblown .


  4. Mr P é rez belongs to the centre-left A New Era party , and may be too dependent on its provincial base .


  5. Mr P é rez Yoma criticised him last year for lacking " imagination and boldness " .


  6. Mr P é rez 's supporters note that he represented the army during peace negotiations in1996 , which greatly weakened it .


  7. Our sporting career has taken precedence this past year , says Mr P é ch é . But our parents always insisted that studies had priority over sport and they were right .


  8. Mr P é rez , citing an " unprecedented pattern of corruption , " has now shepherded a bill through his lower house that would disincorporate any city with fewer than 150 residents and have it be absorbed by its county . That happens to affect only one Californian city , Vernon .


  9. Internal diameter of left auricle did not dramatically changed after PBMV than before in group of MS with mild-medium MR ( P > 0 . 05 ) .


  10. Results There was a significant difference in the first-rank symptoms ( FRS ), delusion , flattening of effect poorness of thought between the schizophrenic patients with or without MR ( P < 0.01 ) .


  11. Most important , Mr Lafley insisted p & g should no longer refuse to look at ideas from outside but be prepared to buy in ideas and technology-as well as sell or license out technology it developed but could not use itself .


  12. The results showed : After Gd DTPA was injected , the signal to noise ratio ( SNR ) of pulmonary 2D and 3D TOF MRA was increased in 46 normal pulmonary MR angiography cases ( P < 0.01 );


  13. Mr Lage ( 57 ), and Mr P é rez ( 44 ) symbolised for outsiders and some Cubans a hope of reform and of the transition to a Cuba without the Castro brothers .
